Take control of
Let your life blossom! Reinvent the new you by taking control of your life. You can exercise personal leadership by taking responsibility for yourself and for every area of your life. It means being connected with your values and vision and setting meaningful goals for yourself. When you take control, you become more productive and more optimistic.
Take back ownership. This is much easier said than done since this involves extricating yourself from a relationship where you've really been a passive participant. There may be a lot of protest and challenges from others who like things just the way they are and wish to keep the status quo. You may have to put up with this for a while before you learn to stand your ground. But before you can fully take your life back you may need to acknowledge regret for the time lost. The only way to move forward is to acknowledge what happened to you-How you got there, and what you need to do that's different from what you've done so far.
Although you may mourn the past and the fact that perhaps you should have taken charge of your own destiny years ago, It’s essential to recognize, acknowledge, and accept that you have been responsible in part for the life you find yourself in, since you have not been fully present for yourself. You need to begin to identify and shift your attention to your own needs and goals. From a practical perspective, prioritize what’s most important to you, regardless of what others think and feel about it.
Your Greatest Self.
You're brave! You deserve better for yourself. You've done the best you could. This too shall pass. It's okay to take a break. We don't always get exactly what we want but when it works it's far more worth the wait. We all have issues. You've got this. Keep your eyes on the goal. You can't control what you think but you can control what you do. Be kind to yourself. It may have been a bad day but you have the power to control tomorrow. Today is a new day. You can't control what other people say or do. Be authentic. Don't listen to your judging mind. It takes courage to face your weaknesses. Treat yourself with compassion. Surround yourself with healthy people. You can get through this. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to try your best. You can learn and grow from your mistakes. Learn from the past but don't get stuck in it. Some things are worth being uncomfortable for. Find your own voice. You can get through this. Don't let anyone or anything take control of you. You don't have to tolerate abusive behavior. Vulnerability can be a strength. Take care of your inner child. Look for love in healthy ways. Stay grounded. Let your values guide you. Follow your passions. Ask for support when you need it. Get up again when you fall. You don't have to go through this alone.
Stop Talking
1. Stop overthinking.
Overthinking can make any issue seem bigger and scarier than it actually is. It can hold you back in life and from taking action.
2. Stop swimming in the sea of the most negative voices. Our happiness is greatly influenced by the people and the other sources around us.
If you swim around in a sea of negative people and information that drag you down into fear, frustration and feeling powerless then that will limit your life.
3. Stop getting stuck in the past or future. Spending too much time in the past usually leads to going over old mistakes or failures over and over again and to wishing you could go back and do something about them. And spending too much time thinking about the future usually leads to worries and to building monsters and nightmare scenarios in your mind.
4. Stop setting a too high bar for happiness.
A common mistake I used to make was to set a too high bar for my own happiness. And so I usually only felt happy when I achieved something big, when I did something perfectly or when something unexpected and wonderful happened.
You don’t have to wait for those rare occasions to feel happy though.
5. Stop comparing yourself to other people.
Comparing yourself to other people can easily become a destructive and depressing daily habit.
You compare relationships, cars, careers, bodies and houses and at the end of the day your self-esteem is low, and you feel like a failure with negativity buzzing around in your head like a swarm of irritating bees.
6. Stop doing things too fast. When you go fast pretty much all the time while walking, talking, driving or running then you tend to feel more stressed. Your focus more easily becomes scattered, and it becomes harder to think clearly.
7. Stop pushing away how you deep down feel.
It is one thing to focus on what is positive in life.
But it is another thing to try to push away how you deep down feel about something. And it usually doesn’t lead to happiness even if you try to turn on a smile and force the positivity.
8. Stop spending too little energy and attention on what truly matters to you.
It is easy to get lost and misspend too much of your day and week. On things you might just do out of habit or because you feel you should. On busy work or on things that honestly deep down isn’t that important to you.
9. Stop waiting for someone else to make you happier. Don’t make the all-too-common mistake of waiting for someone else to create the week, month and year you want to have. That usually leads to much waiting and frustrations.